Free and Easy Fingerless Gloves

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How about an easy one skein wonder to complete the gifts on your list this season?
These beauties work up super fast while still showing off that luxurious look.

As always, you can grab the ad free version at a discounted price  . Or view the pattern in the post below!

fing glo pin

“Free and Easy Fingerless Gloves”



• K (6.5 mm) crochet hook
• 110 yards of Bulky (5) Weight Yarn. Sample made in We are Knitters, The Petite Wool in Pearl Grey.
• Yarn needle
• Measuring Tape



ch: chain
hdc: half double crochet
sc blo: single crochet back loop only
sl st: slip stitch
st(s): stitch(es)
RS: Right Side
(#): Stitch counts at end of row
Skill level: Beginner
Size: Adult.
Gauge: Using the K (7.0mm) hook, a 4×4 inch swatch is 7 rows of 12 hdc sts


Chain at beginning of each row does not count as a st.
For any questions please email me at I’m happy to help!

Processed with VSCO with s2 preset

*Left Glove*
Foundation: Chain 31
Row 1: Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch to end of row. Turn. (30)
Row 2: (RS) Ch 1, sc in first st, sc-blo in next 28 sts, sc in last st. Turn. (30)
Row 3: Ch 1, hdc in each st across. (30)
Row 4-5: Repeat Rows 2-3 (30)
Row 6: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc blo in next 5 sts. Ch 5, skip 5 sts, sc blo in next 19 sts, sc in last st. (30)
Row 7: Ch 1, hdc in first st and next 19 sts. Hdc in each of the 5 ch sts, hdc in next 5 sts. (30)
Row 8: (RS) Ch 1, sc in first st, sc-blo in next 28 sts, sc in last st. Turn. (30)
Row 9: Ch 1, hdc in each st across. (30)
Row 10-21: Repeat rows 8 and 9


Align the foundation row and row 21 with the WS facing each other.
Ch1, sl st through sts in both rows to seam. (30)
Break yarn and weave in ends.

Processed with VSCO with s2 preset
*Right Glove*
Foundation: Chain 31
Row 1: Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch to end of row. Turn. (30)
Row 2: (RS) Ch 1, sc in first st, sc-blo in next 28 sts, sc in last st. Turn. (30)
Row 3: Ch 1, hdc in each st across. Turn. (30)
Row 4-15: Repeat Rows 2-3 (30)
Row 16: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc blo in next 5 sts. Ch 5, skip 5 sts, sc blo in next 19 sts, sc in last st. Turn. (30)
Row 17: Ch 1, hdc in first st and next 19 sts. Hdc in each of the 5 ch sts, hdc in next 5 sts. Turn (30)
Row 18: (RS) Ch 1, sc in first st, sc-blo in next 28 sts, sc in last st. Turn. (30)
Row 19: Ch 1, hdc in each st across. (30)
Row 20-21: Repeat rows 8 and 9


Align the foundation row and row 21 with the WS facing each other.
Ch1, sl st through sts in both rows to seam. (30)
Break yarn and weave in ends.

Processed with VSCO with s2 preset
***Please do not edit or alter this pattern in any way. Do not share or sell this pattern. You may sell items using this pattern but please, credit my shop by using any of my links for Facebook or Etsy, or by using my Instagram handle, Tag me in your photos and use #freeandeasyfingerlessgloves for a chance to have your work featured. Thank You!

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